Friday 14 December 2012

examples of music magazines

Vibe uses the musician as there main  focus on the front cover also there masthead  is behind the model

Kerrang main photo also has also little photos showing there is more in the magazine apart from the artist drawing the audience in and there masthead is in front of the main picture



Billboard use there artists as the main attraction as you know that the magazine is going to be about them but they use their mast head in different places either in front of the model or behind

my magazine front cover and contents page

 for my front cover I have used only one photo for my main image and background I used this because it was a portrait photo and it was easier to fit in the screen
I called the magazine 'life in the day of college' then the students/costumer knows its about them or college
I also added two other photos on the page, I also have a few Anchorage text, I did this to show whats is in the magazine,
I also included a bar code ad price.
I wanted the contents page to be simple so it wouldn't be over packed with images so I have a photo of two students studying I also have the contents heading and what the magazine contains and page numbers

Wednesday 14 November 2012

ideas for college magazine


four main photos:
*front cover main photo medium shot
*two small photos also on front cover
*contents page medium long shot

contents page will contain:
*info on courses
*college fashion
*on coming events
*hair and beauty
*college problems

I'm going to make it bold and colourful make it stand out and make it eye catching by making the font big and bold and have at various styles of font

results from survey monkey for college magazine

                         my results for the college magazine survey

I found out that women answered my questionnaire than men

87.5% were 15-18 years of age

Only A-level students answered this questionnaire

Most of the students worries about college was failing

Most people would like to see college updates around the college or new activities going on in the college magazine

50% of people would like to see the college magazine once a month

56.3% of people might read a college magazine

Most people said that bold colours and pictures would grab there attention in a magazine

Most people said they would like bright and bold colours in a college magazine

The most popular genre's that people liked was film and fashion

Its a quicker way of getting results instead of walking around looking for people to answer the survey

you cant tell if they are talking the questionnaire seriously or just joking about putting random answers

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Wednesday 17 October 2012

hot right now front cover and cover page

I created a front cover of a magazine about the latest going on in the celebrity world and gossip I have named it 'hot right now' I looked at well known celebrity gossip magazines to get an idea of how to place things on the cover i decided to use big and bold lettering in used a white background to make the black lettering to stand out and catch your attention.i got most of my inspiration for 'fabulous magazine' because i loved how they put a big picture of the magazine so you know what celebrity is being interviewed

I made a contents pagefor my magazine i thought have the contents title at the top and then following the contents and around them are pics i also did this in black and white

Wednesday 10 October 2012

example of college magazines

examples of college magazine covers

examples of college magazines contents page

magazine review 2

fabulous magazine is about the latest fashion and fashion tips it also includes celeb gossip and and interviews with some celebs. its mostly aimed at women on the age rang of 16+.
The main colours used is black white and pink this grabs the costumer/readers attention.
The issue number and date are in small lettering at the top of the page on the right hand
the main picture is of the the Saturdays a well known British girl group.
there are bold headings to grab you attention.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

magazine analysis

OK Magazine Analysis

  • Age range Target audience-women over the age of 20
  • It is advertising celebrity gossip
  • its all about celebrity news and looks
  • on this magazine the price is under the title (£1.99)
  • also the issue number is under the title (780)
  • the bar code is at the bottom of the page
  • the main image is peter Andre it has been placed in the middle of the page
  • there are 3 different images of celebrities and bold subheadings
  • colours on the page pink/red/purple/blue
  • the text is bold and the colours are white and yellow
  • the website address is next to thew bar code
  • bold text and bright colours to grab your attention
  •  Peter Andre - OK! Magazine Cover [United Kingdom] (14 June 2011)

Friday 28 September 2012

examples of camera shots

establishing shot 

over the shoulder 

over the head shot/high angle

wide shot

long shot

medium long shot

medium shot

medium shot

medium two shot

close up 

big close up 

extreme close up

low angle

deep shot

wide shot

medium close up

establishing shot

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Different types of magazine genres

1)This is an example of a fashion magazine
2)This is an example of a music magazine
 3)This is an example of a bridal magazines
4) This is an example of a kids magazine

5)This is an example of a men's fitness magazine
 6)This is an example of a cooking magazine
 7)This is an example of a gossip magazine

8)This is an example of a travelling magazine
9)this is an example of a dance magazine

10)This is an example of a sports magazine